Monday, August 31, 2009

Global Warning

A number of people in my fiber artists' group made pieces commemorating or commenting on the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Artist Statement on this piece:
Although Katrina missed my part of the state and Rita did not leave much physical damage, both hurricanes had lasting effects on the entire state, both financially and emotionally. Scientists have linked rising global temperatures to increasingly violent storms. Who do we blame? The phrases in red list a few likely culprits, but the words in green are the underlying causes: the seven deadly sins and a few extra. Will civilization change its ways before the entire planet is devastated?
Tell all the Truth but tell it slant
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth’s superb surprise
As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind—

Emily Dickinson c. 1868

Other Louisiana artists in this group include:
Patty Gamburg
Sally Gordon
Melanie Borne
Sharon Walton
Lisa Ducote
Melody Greenberg
Susan Broussard
Mary Felder
Louise Regan

Swamp Shots

One of my favorite places to take photos is Bluebonnet Swamp in Baton Rouge, an oasis set in the middle of urban America. Most of these are studies in texture. All photos taken on August 9, 2009.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Delicious Scarves

Scarf painting class I taught today at Delicious Art in Alexandria, LA. Everyone's was unique. Funny, but the favorite color of the class (fawn) was the color I liked the least. Give me those jewel tones and brights! I think the class was enjoyed by all, and I was thanked verbally as well as monetarily) at the end, something I'm not used to but certainly appreciate!

Class repeats on Sept. 18. Limited to 8, so sign up early!

They dried faster with a hair dryer.

We worked on freezer paper so that part could be rolled up (small space).

Two sisters used the same colors.

Finished products (a bit too backlit).

Friday, August 21, 2009

Subversive Stitcher: Who me?

My two little quilts are featured on Dawn Goldsmith's Subversive Stitchers blog today.

Guess that confirms that I'm subversive (at least stitching-wise), right?

Monday, August 17, 2009

Handmade Louisiana Craft-Along

Handmade Louisiana, a group promoting handmade items by Louisiana Artisans, is having a Craft-Aong this month. Theme: Louisiana Life. I thought these little bags I made were pretty appropriate. After all, Louisiana is famous for Mardi Gras. and it's not just in New Orleans- Alexandria now has three parades! Bags will be back in my etsy shop this fall, in time for holiday shopping.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fungus Amongus

All photos taken Aug 9, 2009 at Bluebonnet Swamp, Baton Rouge

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bugs at Bluebonnet

The butterfly shots are less than awesome, but I was happy to get something. I deleted at least 3 shots each for the butterflies and dragonfly and probably 6 or 7 for the spider. The huge black (crickets? grasshoppers?) were everywhere, as were the giant orb spiders. All pictures taken at Bluebonnet Swamp, Baton Rouge on August 9, 2009.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Basket Case

This is Oslo's new favorite place to sleep. We'd been collecting tomatoes in it, and she was only too eager to claim it for herself. It's exactly the right size, which means in cat logic that it should be hers.