Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jungle Kitties

Moose outside and Oslo hiding in the houseplants

And three of the new baby, Rocky as is Rockette, Rocket J. Squirrel, and Rocky Raccoon.  Currently wearing the Cone of Shame, as she had a fateful trip to the Vet last Wednesday, and would not leave the stitches alone.  She's a growing girl, although she would not appreciate a little watering!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Vote for Me! (My 100th Post!)

Oh Christmas Tree jacket, size small, is entirely pieced. NO cheater cloth here! Interestingly enough, only 2 solid fabrics in the whole thing: Dark green in the lattice areas on the front, and metallic gold lame'. All other fabrics are prints. A few details below:

There are two categories, Small Projects (which the jacket is in, although it was NO small project to make), and large bed-size quilts.

Here's the link to the main contest page with thumbnails or larger photos in both categories:

Here's the ballot itself:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's Snowing Down South

Or at least it was Friday night.
Banana trees across the street.

Roof tiles make a pattern across the other street.

Southern Magnolias with snow on the branches.

Snow creating patterns in the plantings at the Saturday Art Market. It was COLD! Not many shoppers out and about.

Frosty camellias.

By mid-morning, snow was sliding off the roof and into the plantings below.
Don't be surprised if it's 80 degrees next week. Stranger things have happened.